
Signs That You’ve Got Raccoons in Your Property

Knowing the signs of an infestation can help you deal with the situation fast and efficiently. The signs could vary, ranging from sighting the raccoons to hearing their noises. You can identify the animal that has invaded your home by listening to the sounds. You should consider several factors when assessing the sounds. For example, raccoons are nocturnal, meaning that they are mainly active after dusk or at night.

At dusk, they leave their dens to find food and return later in the night. However, sometimes, raccoons could also be active during the day, but this is extremely rare. They are way heavier compared to other pests like rodents. Therefore, raccoons have much heavier footfalls, sounding much louder than squirrels and rats. If a family has invaded your home, you will hear their unique sounds, especially if the family is complete with a litter of babies. You could also hear thud sounds in the attic or any other areas where they have built their dens.

The most obvious sign is seeing the raccoon, given that they are big in size. Even if they are nocturnal, raccoons are not silent or swift, so you can easily spot them even at night. You can easily see them riffling around your trash bins.

Damages Raccoons Can Cause

When raccoons build a home in your garage or shed, they could cause significant damage to your property. They can shred your wallpaper, insulation, vent ducts, and roofing materials to make comfortable dens for them and their children. Raccoons could even rip apart your fans, vents, cooling systems and wooden beams. They could scratch and claw your roofing, siding, and electric wires. In addition to damaging your home’s wiring system, raccoons also pose a fire hazard.

When they create dens inside your home, they will also defecate and urinate in the basement or attic where they are living. You will have a huge space that needs to be disinfected. In addition to being malodorous, raccoon feces could also harbour zoonotic diseases like raccoon roundworm. If a raccoon happens to die in the basement, attic, or any other area of your home, the smell could be unbearable.

Raccoons can spread diseases, especially rabies, so you should not go near one if it seems confused, sick, or is moving about awkwardly. They could also transmit distemper, a disease that is dangerous to your pets. Its feces could harbour a wide range of diseases and parasites, including roundworms, fleas, rice, leptospirosis, Trypanosoma cruzi, giardia lamblia, and salmonella. Contact reliable animal control expert in Toronto and the GTA to eliminate these pests effectively.

Getting Rid of Raccoons Through Simple Process

Step 1

The first step involves removing all the raccoons from your house. Ensure that you don’t leave any of them behind, especially the babies. If left behind, the babies could die and rot, producing an awful odour that could make your home inhabitable.

Step 2

After ensuring you have removed all the raccoons from the house, the next step involves introducing them into the wild. We will take them far away from your home, usually 10 to 20 km, to ensure they don’t find their way back.

Step 3

After removing all the raccoons, including the babies, from your home, the next step entails proofing all the entry points so that they do not re-enter. You must fully analyze your home to ensure that you don’t miss the entry points.