
Species of Bats That May Live on Your Property

The species of bats you may find in your attic include the hoary bat, red bat, silver-haired bat, big brown bat, Eastern Pipistrelle, Small-footed bat, Eastern long-eared bat, and the Little Brown Myotis.

What are Rabies?

Bats have sharp teeth, and if a bat bites you or your pet, you should try to capture it to have it tested for rabies. What are the common symptoms of rabies in bats?

  • The bat may exhibit an uncontrolled flight.
  • Making frequent landings on surfaces or areas where you wouldn’t expect the bat to land. For example, instead of flying out, the bat may enter your living space.
  • Appearing in daylight hours – usually, bats come out at dusk. You should be particularly concerned if a bat appears around midday.
  • Paralysis or weakness, making the bat unable to fly – it may also be unable to cling on roosts. If you notice a bat flopping over or lying helplessly on the ground, it might have rabies.

If a bat bites you and you manage to capture or kill it, you should keep it to have the Public Health authorities examine it. Rabies is particularly common in Big Brown bats, with 95% of the bats brought for testing coming out positive. You should never hold a dead or living bat with bare hands. When picking up a bat, it is advisable to use tongs or forceps. If you don’t have these tools, use leather or rubber gloves.
If your pets, like cats and dogs, come into contact with a rabid bat or other wild animals, you should have them vaccinated.

Signs of Bat Infestation

You may have a bat infestation if you hear squeaking or rustling in your attic. You could also spot bat droppings on the exterior of your home or see bats escaping your attic at dusk. DIY bat removal can be dangerous so always hire an animal control expert.

How our team can help with bat removal in toronto and gta

Step 1

An expert will first look for signs of a bat infestation, including a rustling and squeaking sound in the attic, bat droppings, or the presence of bats on your premises, whether dead or alive.

Step 2

Under Canadian law, bats are a protected species. An expert will carefully remove the bats in the attics and sanitize all the affected areas to ensure that you and your pets won’t get infected after touching those places.

Step 3

The last step involves sealing your home against future bat infestations. This involves closing all attic windows, sealing gaps in the siding, installing screening over chimneys, and covering vents with screening. Our experts are careful not to seal bats inside.